--> Download Latest Truecaller Premium Gold APK 11.20.7 (2020) | TechPower By Kamerpower

Download Latest Truecaller Premium Gold APK 11.20.7 (2020)


Download Latest Truecaller Premium Gold APK 11.20.7 (2020): Truecaller Premium Gold APK is unlocked modded version which enables us to use p...

Download Latest Truecaller Premium Gold APK 11.20.7 (2020)

Download Latest Truecaller Premium Gold APK 11.20.7 (2020): Truecaller Premium Gold APK is unlocked modded version which enables us to use paid features for free. The latest updated version is entirely working without bugs. Read our complete article for more info.

Does anyone remember the old-fashioned rotary dial telephone where you had to spin a finger wheel over and over again until you are finally able to dial a number minutes later? Or the old landlines stuck to the walls of your home; thus, you couldn’t move further across the room when the conversation gets too spicy for you to settle down? Or maybe you were raised at a time when mobile phones had buttons and not the sleek touchpad of a smartphone that we’re so used to and have grown to rely on for our survival.

During their time and age, these old telephone models were the exciting wonders of the world that people couldn’t keep their hands off. However, they had one thing in common that distinguished them from modern smartphones we so much adore.

When the phone rang, we had no idea who was on the other line until we inquired for ourselves. Well, for the dial pad mobile phones, unless the designated caller was saved in your contact list, there was no way on earth that you could guess the caller without answering the phone first.

Sometimes, you would answer the phone, and a timid voice would ask you, “Is your refrigerator running?” before they burst into laughter. Such were the good old days that also came with its limitations.

However, with the modern smartphone, you can do much more with them than make a call. It’s now possible to identify your callers before you even receive the call using a particular calling app for Android devices, known as the Truecaller Premium Gold APK.

How we make and answer calls on our mobile phones has been revolutionized with apps like the Truecaller Premium Gold, making it hard for strangers to hide their identities around you.

What is Truecaller Premium Gold APK?

The Truecaller Premium Gold APK is an advanced version of the original Truecaller app and allows you to access to the premium features of Gold membership. With over two hundred and fifty million users worldwide, Truecaller gives you amazing utilities and remarkable experiences when it comes to making phone calls.

The default calling app on your phone only has a limited number of features, of which some might be considered obsolete because you aren’t used to them or they have no value on your phone and take up more of your space and RAM.

However, since you can’t delete the default calling app on your Android device, you can always install the Truecaller Premium Gold APK on it and enjoy much more with calling your friends, family, co-workers, or even ordering a pizza for the night out with the girls or boys.

You can call, text and even video call your friends from across the globe to keep in touch as often as you’d like. There is global connection stations set-up all around the world allowing you to contact friends from anywhere provided they have a stable internet connection.

Calls can now show the IP of your contact list and let you know who may be on another call before you even dial their numbers and find them busy. You can also identify spams from the station and scammers who have frequently been reported by other users.

Any useless information, spam, anonymous SMS, and remote SMS marketing will immediately be blocked before reaching the smartphone’s connection with the Truecaller Premium Gold APK on your phone. You can even block various contacts that you don’t want disturbing you anymore and they will be prevented from contacting you entirely.

Truecaller Premium Gold APK is a default calling and messaging application that identifies unknown callers, blocks unwanted calls, shows the names and photos, or your callers even for those that aren’t saved on your contact list. It is, therefore, an app worth having on your Android device. To know more about gold membership, please visit the official site from here.

Version Info Truecaller Gold APK for Android

Name Truecaller Premium Gold
Version 11.20.7
Size 45 MB
Modder Symos
Last updated August 11, 2020

Download Truecaller Gold APK for Android

Truecaller Premium Gold APK has unlocked all features of the original Truecaller app, and everyone can access them free of charge. There are also other versions such as the Truecaller mod APK which only unlocks a few Premium features of the Truecaller Premium for free.

All these apps serve to exceed the expectations of the original version by opening amazing features that aren’t available from any other calling application on the Google Play Store. You can download the Truecaller app for free from the Play Store but for the different versions such as the gold app, you will have to pay for them.

However, is you’re interested in the Pro versions of Truecaller, you can always get them free of charge on our website such as apkfolks.com and install them onto your Android device. There’s no more hiding for scammers, conmen, and pranksters because the Truecaller Premium Gold APK strives to expose them all so that you can be on the lookout at all times.

Nothing sounds better than your ex trying to reach out to you using a new number but since you have Truecaller gold, you are instantly notified and thus, capable of blocking the number before they call again.

The app works for Android 4.4+ and only has a size of about 46 MBs. Get the latest version of Truecaller gold app for free using the link below:


Block incoming phone calls

Everyone has that one number or a couple of them that they are bothered by and would avoid picking up their calls. The call could be a commercial one or an irritating individual who doesn’t know when to give up and this creates the need for call blocking even more.

Some devices in the market today don’t have such features pre-installed into them and, thus, require you to download third-party applications to get the job done because no one likes to be called over and over again even after ignoring it the first two times.

With the Truecaller Premium Gold APK as your default calling app, you can blacklist any number on your contact list, and it will be instantly blocked from calling you. The caller might only hear a busy sign signal and will have no idea that they were blocked while from your side, you won’t be bothered by any ringing phone.


The Truecaller gold app collects or aggregates information from multiple sources and users to regularly update the blacklist of spam numbers. Whenever you notice a span number contacting you, all you have to do is click Block & report spam.

Truecaller will immediately identify this number as common spam especially if it blocked and published by more than one user. This helps create a better user environment because whenever an alternate Truecaller user is called using that spam number, they will be notified about it and shown the number of spam reports associated with it.

Record phone calls

With the Truecaller Premium Gold version, you get access to the call recording feature that smoothly records the intended call live and with good quality. Users can also sync the targeted recordings onto the Truecaller cloud and replay them whenever they wish.

However, you should be aware of your state’s privacy policy concerning recording calls before settling for this feature as it can land you in trouble, especially if your country has strict laws against recording voice calls. Otherwise, you can always record the calls between family and lovers to cherish the memories.

Backup and sync to the cloud

Truecaller Premium Gold APK allows you to backup and sync all your call data onto Google Drive, such as your call history, all contacts, settings and every message.

This way, even when you change phones, you will never lose data concerning your calls, as you can always sync all of it onto the new device. This allows you to stay in touch with everyone around you even after getting a new smartphone without worrying about forgetting anything.

Block spam messages

We all get those rogue texts from unknown numbers that inform us of a commercial business coming our way or a new service that would help us if we subscribed to it.

Others might even come from gambling services or sporting apps, and the only thing they have in common is that they are very good at filling the spaces on our phones unnecessarily. The Truecaller gold app allows you to block any spam message that you have no interest in.

However, because it is common to find many users blocking their friends and lovers due to some issues, Truecaller allows you to see the messages in the spam box because some users may also want to read these messages. This means that although the texts may be blocked, you can still access them from the spam inbox if you so desire.

Who viewed my profile

With Truecaller Premium, you are expected to create your very own profile by including your name, photo, and address which is optional. This anyone to quickly identify you whenever you make a phone call.

Other people are also capable of viewing your profile but unfortunately, with the original free version, you can never know who did. The premium gold app, though improves security by letting you see who recently visited your Truecaller profile.

Incognito Mode

When you view other people’s profiles, unless they have the Truecaller premium gold app on their devices as well, they won’t be alerted about it.

No ads

Ads can be a real pain in the neck, especially if you’re trying to make a call or type a message, and in the middle of it, an ad banner pops up, interrupting the process. Many know how irritating that can be but with the Truecaller premium gold version installed onto your Android device, you get an ad-free experience.

Premium badge

Whenever you call anyone, you benefit from having the premium badge on your caller ID. This will make you look very professional, and people will be less reluctant to pick up your calls. It would look like an urgent business call, one of which they can’t turn down.

More contact requests

If you feel like you want to expand your horizons and make more friends, then you can always discover new people on the Truecaller Premium Gold app by sending up to 30 requests to other users asking for their numbers.

High priority support

With the Truecaller Gold membership, you get quick responses to your queries by the support agents on a higher priority.

How to Download and Install Truecaller Gold APK on Android?

Step 1. Uninstall any Truecaller app which is either free or modded app from your android device. This is a much-needed step to avoid installation errors.

Step 2. Now, Download Truecaller Gold APK from our servers.

Step 3. Open your android file manager application, then search for the APK file.

Step 4. Tap on the APK file. Here you might see the security warning says enable this source to proceed further. Enable unknown sources option for installing APK files.What is Truecaller Premium Gold APK?
Step 5. Once you are done with that, head over to the Truecaller Premium APK file and try to install it again.

Step 6. Open the app and allow the required permissions.
Note: If you face force close error, then clear data of the app and open again.

Step 7. Enter your number to login or sign up for an account.


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